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Our focus at NCL is always on catering to our fishermen, and we share the same passion for the sport of competitive crappie fishing as you do. As you know, we have guaranteed payouts of 10k for DIV 1 and 20k for OPEN DIV. However, speaking to our anglers, we understand that the economy has been tough for many of you, and it’s harder for some of you to travel and enjoy your favorite sport as much as you have in the past. As a result, our numbers are down a little from the projections we had last year, making it harder for us to guarantee paybacks.
In order to keep bringing you great tournaments, we have decided to restructure our payouts. From now on, our payouts will consist of 100% of all entry fees, and NCL will contribute $25 per entry per team in Div 1 via the big fish prize and $50 per team for the open division as the big fish prize. This means that every $300 entry for Div 1 will raise the Div. 1 prize by $325, and every $400 entry for the open will raise the Open Div. by $450. 100% plus of this money will be paid out at every tournament. Open Divisions entry fee is lowered to $400.00 per team.
Lake of Ozarks, Lake Eufaula, Patoka Lake and Kentucky Lake will remain the same as printing and press releases have already gone out.
© 2025 National Crappie League
© 2025 National Crappie League